INFOS Hotels BoundCon 2023

In 2023 we will have to be a bit more flexible regarding hotels than in other years. The additional hotels listed below are NOT located in the immediate vicinity of the Zenithalle. The "usual" hotels currently have very high prices and do not offer contingent rooms. During the same period 4 Rammstein concerts will take place in the Olympiahalle Munich.
However, the overlap of the two events may well increase the number of visitors. Rammstein fans certainly have a certain affinity to the BDSM scene.
We have commissioned the company Avantel to look for cheap hotels for BoundCon 2023. The hotel rooms will be updated here continuously.
HOTELS - Click here
Feringapark is still our main partner hotel and can also arrange rooms in smaller hotels in the surrounding area.
Feringapark Hotel****
Feringastrasse 2-6
85774 Munich - Unterföhring
Tel.: +49 (0)89 95716 - 101
Fax: +49 (0)89 95716 - 151
The booking by phone or email must be made with the keyword "BoundCon"! Then you will also receive the agreed special prices!
Further possibilities: